textual data

英 [ˈtekstʃuəl ˈdeɪtə] 美 [ˈtekstʃuəl ˈdeɪtə]

网络  文本数据; 文字数据



  1. All of the previous examples have dealt with textual or character data: You wrote and read character strings.
  2. Once you have these coordinates you can overlay textual and visual data on2D maps and the3D globe as creatively as your imagination allows.
  3. Analysis of character encoding, words, and content style can easily determine with high confidence which language textual data is in.
  4. Worse, it might get ordered by treating the dates as textual data, and alphabetizing them.
  5. DOM sees everything in terms of its Node interface, so you're accustomed to working with comments, elements, and even textual data through the Node interface.
  6. The syntax of XML makes it easy to programmatically manipulate textual data while still allowing it to be easily understood by humans.
  7. Enjoy JSON and the power of textual data formats.
  8. After enabling a database for text, you can create text indexes on columns storing textual data in various formats, such as XML.
  9. Now let's look at three more commands that deal with fields in textual data.
  10. Because XML is a textual format for data, it has some interesting quirks.
  11. For example, in Germany, there are at least two ways of sorting textual data& de_DE alone is not sufficient.
  12. Using SQL, Net Search Extender searches textual data that is stored in the column of a database table.
  13. Add KML, an XML language used to describe geographical information such as coordinates on the Earth, and you can overlay your own visual and textual data onto the maps.
  14. You can use the file object to read data, to write data, to append data to a file, and to work with either binary or textual data.
  15. Strings in Ruby are a powerful way to hold, compare, and manipulate textual data.
  16. The KML document can specify geographic data including addresses, 3D coordinates on the Earth, and custom textual and visual data to be overlaid on maps or3D models of the Earth.
  17. Another important aspect of the Mahout solution is the set of tools for creating vector representations of textual data.
  18. XML is a textual format for data.
  19. Subscribers to a telex service can exchange textual communications and data directly with one another.
  20. The people, who deal with the daily business by using Excel, often meet some unsolvable problems of translating textual data into numerical data, so that they can't normally do some works, such as, data analyzing, data arithmetic.
  21. The textual data source and the method with study was also handed over here.
  22. Text categorization is the basis and core of textual data mining.
  23. Compared with textual data, video data has very rich information content. The relationships between video data segments are very complex and unstructured.
  24. A Textual Data Analysis of the Population Size of Guangxi in the Ming Dynasty
  25. Two Pieces of Compiled Textual Data on the Champion in the Imperial Examination
  26. Mining Relationship between Acute Leukemia and Related Genes by Textual Data Mining
  27. Text categorization is one of the important techniques in textual data mining.
  28. With the accumulation of domain textual data, there are more and more non-structural or semi-structured data such as doc, pdf and other formats in every domain including education, finance, dining, tourism and so on.
  29. Image data is as common as textual data in digital world.
  30. The author hopes through the research to fill the current Yang Jiong some study shortcomings, proposes own view point of view, add a bit of textual data, for relevant researchers as a reference.